Cheat Sheet for Writing

Upon reading, I’ve run across words that are not commonly used. I decided it would be helpful to share some of those words with you. If you are like me, you have not thought to use these words, or maybe even be unsure of what they mean.

I will try my best (no promises) to add a list of these uncommon words daily. I am using the words as a guide to strengthen my writing and vocabulary in my WIPs.

Stop below for a peek at the words, part of speech, synonyms, definitions, and example sentence per Merriam Webster dictionary. (I saved you guys some steps!)

Happy reading & happy learning!


incongruous (adjective): Not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something.

Synonyms: inappropriate, unsuitable, strange, odd

Example: The duffel coat looked incongruous with the black dress she wore underneath.

guffaws (noun): a loud and boisterous laugh

Synonyms: roar, bellow, cackle, laugh loudly

Example: Both men guffawed at the remark.

consort (noun): (1) A wife, husband, companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch. (2) habitually associate with someone, typically with the disapproval of others

Synonym: (1) partner, companion, mate (2) associate, socialize, fraternize

carte blanche (noun): Complete freedom to act as one wishes or thinks best

Synonym: free rein, a free hand

Example: He gave his protégé carte blanche.

salacious (adjective): Treating sexual matters in an indecent way & typically conveying undue interest in or enjoyment of the subject.

Synonym: pornographic, obscene, indecent, lewd, vulgar, dirty

Example:  Chris shares salacious stories.

dubious (adjective): (1) Hesitating or doubting (2) Not to be relied upon; suspect of questionable value

Synonym: (1) doubtful, uncertain, unsure (2) suspicious, suspect, untrustworthy, unreliable

Example: (1) Alex looked dubious, but complied. (2) Time sharing has been brought into disrepute by dubious sales methods.

sartorial (adjective): Relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress.

Synonym: none listed

Example: Sartorial elegance

vivisection (noun): The practice of performing operations on live animals for the purpose of experimentation or scientific research.

Synonym: none listed

Example: The vivisection of American’s seamy underbelly.

intemperance (noun): lack of moderation or restraint; excessive indulgence, especially in alcohol

Synonym: none listed

Example: The occasional intemperance of tone.

enigmatical (adjective): difficult to interpret or understand, mysterious

Synonym: mysterious, inscrutable, puzzling, perplexing, baffling

Example: He took the money with an enigmatic smile.

Hopefully,  you survived reading this boring list of what I would have considered “SAT words.” I’m even more hopeful that you have seen a word that you someday plan to use in your WIP, or perhaps in conversation with other readers or writers. No discrimination though, feel free to use these words with “regular” people too. 🙂


Happy reading & happy writing!

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